Pelago at Design Market
Helsinki Design Week’s popular stock sale event is back at the Cable Factory and online.

Build-A-Pelago Results
The results for the Build-A-Pelago competition are in and it’s time to announce the winners.
Read the whole thing now!

The Build-A-Pelago-builds (and stories behind them)
Build-A-Pelago is finally over and the builds are here! Read the stories behind these amazing bikes and vote your favourite now!

Build-A-Pelago frame builder interview – Antti Grundstén
Antti Grundstén is the first Build-A-Pelago competitor that we got to interview.

Build-A-Pelago / Kutsukilpailu rungonrakentajille
Build-A-Pelago on kutsukilpailu intohimoisille rungonrakentajille. Kilpailuaikaa Juhannukseen 2021 asti - tutustu kilpailuun tästä!